Friday, October 27, 2023

Nelson Newsletter - October 2023

 “As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, or if due to strength, eighty years, Yet their pride is but labor and sorrow; for soon it is gone and we fly away…So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

Dear Members of Christ’s Body,

You have heard the saying, “Time waits for no man.” We are here on the planet for a short visit and then we pass off into eternity. Birthdays are one of the reminders of our mortality. They are opportunities to evaluate our lives to make the most of the time we have on earth!

Our oldest grandson, James Nelson, turns 15 tomorrow! We celebrated his birthday yesterday. I remember when he was born. Now he is a young man - 185lbs, strong, wise, and kind. The photos are James at birth with his father, Scott, as a baby with his older cousin, Jasper, and yesterday at his 15th birthday party with his grandparents.  My how time flies!


Raising Godly Children Alex and Oksana are members of our church, and they are part of a Slavic church in Atlanta. They invited Danelle and I to their house, along with couples from their church who wanted to grow in their parenting skills and be encouraged. We had delightful time of fellowship, discussed what the Bible says about teaching children by our example, and answered their questions. Grace and Ward attended and offered insight as well. Being godly parents takes the grace of God, the Holy Spirit’s power, humility, and the love and support of the other families in the body of Christ

Pastor Rodney Hall. Rodney has been a very good friend of our family since we lived in Dacula, Georgia, over 25 years ago. He is the pastor of Sanctuary Baptist Church in Loganville. His church has faithfully supported our ministry for decades. Rodney’s passion for lost people, and love for his family and the church is contagious! This week we met for lunch. I always leave our time overflowing with joy and more motivated to share Jesus Christ with the world!

Prayer & Praise

1. Atlanta Church Ask God to keep us from becoming comfortable and complacent with our relationship with Him. May our love for God and others increase and abound by His Spirit!

2. Illinois Church David and Stephanie asked that we pray for the Roberts family to be open to the gospel. They have been meeting with them and are open to the gospel. David has been playing basketball with Kofi and Paul and spending time telling them about Jesus. Pray for them to turn to the Lord as well!

3. Regional Pastor’s Conference I travel to Charlotte November 3-4 for our regional pastors’ conference. I will be teaching a seminar titled, “Finish The Course,” about finishing our life being faithful to God. Pray for our time to be led by the Spirit and life-transforming!

Yours to make the most of our time,

Steve & Danelle

PS. It’s Not About The Tire! I went to our local Toyota dealership to get my flat tire fixed. Daniel is the service manager who has helped us for years. I greeted him, “Hey Daniel, how’s it going?” He solemnly replied, “Not to good.” I sympathetically asked, “I’m sorry to hear that. What’s wrong?” He went on to tell me how he got divorced the day before after 30 years of marriage. He was completely caught off guard. He told me how he could not eat or sleep and wondered what he would do next. One of the other service managers came up and showed him photos of her single girlfriends. After she left, I said, “That is the last thing you need! You need to heal first. We talked about his situation at length. Then I suggested he read my book, Secure In An Insecure World.” After discussing the contents with him, he ordered a copy right there! Remember, it is not about the tire! Please pray for Daniel to find the love of his life – Jesus!      

Lessons to Learn:

1. Build friendships with unbelievers and be ready to tell them about the hope in Jesus when they go through hard times

2. Have gospel literature available to give to them.         

3. Pray for God to prepare your lost friends, as well you, for the receptive times of brokenness.                                                                                                                         

PSS.  If you wish to support our work, please visit: to give a special gift or become a monthly partner. Thank you!!



11002 Lake Hart Dr, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32832    

Our blog with the past newsletters and other good resources!

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