Thursday, December 6, 2007

Nelson Newsletter - November/December 2007

A recent view from our window

Merry Christmas from the Nelsons

English Club
Danelle and I have enjoyed using the Bible to teach English to an eager group of young Ukrainians. God is speaking to their hearts concerning eternal issues. Please ask Him to bring them to true repentance and faith in our Lord Jesus. Paul prayed for the Jews,

“My heart’s desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation.”   Romans 10:1

Vlaude and Lena help us lead the English club. In two weeks they are expecting their first child (a son). Everyone in the group is excited! Please pray for Lena and her baby.
Church Multiplication in Ukraine
God has been leading our GCM staff in Europe to evaluate our effectiveness. Our goal has always been to make disciples who will plant churches that will start other churches. We are returning to a more simple concept of church where each person has opportunity to participate in the meetings, like in 1 Corinthians 14:26,

“When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church.”

We also want to see these churches led by Ukrainians where every Christian develops a passion to reach the lost – churches that are “mission driven.” Please pray for us! We sense our desperate need for God’s grace to practice this with Ukrainians. We are so very thankful for each and every one of you! Your prayers and financial support make this a reality.
Awaken Conference
Danelle, Merry and I will join more than 200 other believers from all over Europe for Awaken, our semi-annual Great Commission Europe conference. We will gather in Germany from January 2-6, 2008 to hear from God’s word, worship in many languages and enjoy fellowship and the beautiful German countryside. Please pray for our hearts to be prepared to act on what God shows us, for rich fellowship and for safe travel for all.
Family News
God provided a way for our daughter Julie and our granddaughter Jasper to visit us in November. Julie is due in May with their second child! I read this verse today and it reminded me of the effect of their lives upon us.
“The brothers there had heard that we were coming, and they traveled as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns to meet us. At the sight of these men Paul thanked God and was encouraged.” Acts 28:15
Jasper's First Snow Jasper's First McDonald's Swinging with Aunt Merry
Here are some recent photos of our children. We thank God for these precious lives!!!
Whitney & Micah Grace & Stephanie Scott & Maria Julie, Jasper & Matthew

Matt & Amanda
Can you tell who gets the most press? We are proud grand-parents and thankful for each of our kids! We appreciate your financial support this year. It not only pays our bills, but it reveals your love for us and strengthens our faith in Christ as our Provider!

Thank you for your kindness, support and prayers!

Yours in our Savior’s love,

Steve and Danelle