Merry Christmas!
We pray that you and your family will have a most wonderful Christmas season. May it be
filled with good memories, rich times of fellowship, and sincere worship of the Christ child! We pray that you would make time to be alone with Jesus and let him tell you again how much He loves you! Romans 8:32-39.
Danelle and I are most grateful for your support, prayers, and friendship. Some of you have been our partners in evangelism and discipleship for many years! We could not do it, and would not choose to do it, without each of you! Teamwork is always more productive, more fun, and God alone gets the glory!

Atlanta House Church
Mason Last month we told you about, Mason, the young man who had a brain tumor removed a few months ago. His wife, Charisa, came to our house church meeting today and was filled with praise to God for His grace that saved her husband’s life. She also expressed heartfelt thanks to us for our prayers and support. She joyfully informed us that Mason has been recovering his mobility, and even this past week he was significantly better. Praise God! Thank you for praying. Please continue to intercede for this young couple as this will take a long time.
Mario Over this past year I have been reaching out to Mario at the car wash - giving him some Steve’s Bee’s honey and a copy of my book. He enthusiastically read it and said how much young people today need the wisdom it contained. This week Danelle and I finally were able to meet with him at his apartment; he works 6 days a week, 12+ hours a day. We used the bridge diagram to share Christ with him and found out that he trusted the Lord Jesus as his Savior about 7 years ago – on his own! Praise God! Mario also explained why he works so hard. His wife, Emilia, had stage 4 breast cancer, and had to be treated with double the chemo therapy in
Mexico. Although she is cancer free at the moment, the treatment caused her to lose her teeth, and to have severe arthritis. She will have knee replacement surgery this month. Mario has not seen her in 3 years, but talks to her daily! Now that is true love! We hope to continue to meet with Mario and to reach out to his friends with the gospel together.
Eric This month we included Eric Morris’ recently completed testimony tract. (See Below) It is so encouraging to recall how God used one of our daughters years ago to help Eric find a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We are thrilled to be reunited this year with Eric and Sarah seeking to reach the people of Atlanta with the good news. Enjoy!
Faithwalkers Conference
Danelle and I will attend our annual Faithwalkers Conference in Asheville, NC from December 30 – January 2, 2016. There will be about 700 people, mostly teenagers and college students. I will be speaking on “How to Win Your Family to Christ.”
2015 Family Highlights
Ian, Ellsworth, and Ferris Three little grandsons entered our lives this year as tremendous gifts from God! All are growing and doing well. The parents are a different story – they are still sleep deprived.
Merry and Nathan. Our last child, Merry, married Nathan Evans in August. They live in Americus, Georgia and work for Habitat for Humanity. They are still enjoying their “honeymoon” and love being together, serving the Lord Jesus and His people. They will go to Thailand in March with Habitat to build homes. Then they will go to Taiwan to visit Nathan’s family who are serving there as missionaries.
Stephanie’s Expecting David and Stephanie are expecting their third child next July. (15th grandchild!) Maybe this one’s a girl? The granddaughters are way behind 5 to 9! Come on girls!
Our Financial Support
We are so grateful for your financial support all year! We have seen God do some amazing things through our ministry in 2015, but our finances for the year are short by $4,500. Please consider an additional gift by December 31, 2015, it would really make a difference on meeting our shortfall, and would be encouraging as we focus on the coming new year of ministry. Thank You! To give, please go to . Of course you can always mail your gift to the address below if you wish. Thank you very much!
Prayer Requests
1) Mason - Pray for his continued healing, as well as peace & strength for his wife Carissa.
2) Mario – Pray for Emilia’s health and salvation. Mario just sent their son an English copy of my book. Pray for him to have an open heart as he hears the good news!
3) Faithwalkers Conference – Pray for Steve and all who teach to be Spirit-filled. Pray for all who attend to grow in their relationship with Jesus.
4) Finances For God to provide for our financial needs and for Danelle and I to trust Him.
5) Atlanta House Church - Pray for 2016 to be a year of salvations and multiplication of disciples and churches.
Yours in Christ’s love,
Steve and Danelle
Ministries 11002 Lake Hart Drive, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32832