Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nelson Newsletter – December 2011

Dear Friends,

Merry Christmas! We hope that you are enjoying your Lord and Savior during this special time of the year. It is a challenge in America to not be distracted from our devotion to Christ with all the activities and busyness of the holidays. Paul wrote the Corinthians, “I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:3. The Amplified says, “that your minds may be corrupted and seduced from wholehearted and sincere and pure devotion to Christ.” We pray that you would be able to hear God’s voice when you read His word, love your family and friends, share the good news with the lost, and worship Jesus Christ without distraction!

Columbia House Church Conference Danelle and I helped lead a house church conference with Riverbend Community Church in September. There was a lot of enthusiasm to learn and make disciples in Columbia and throughout the Southeast. Just this week Danelle and I met with Robbie McAlister, Sarah Bedi, and Ray Vaughn to evaluate, plan and pray together for 2012 and how we can be a part of a church planting movement. Look for information about conferences next year which train and inspire us.

Giving Danelle and I thank you for your support! Many of you have stood with us for years. Some of you may wish to send a special year-end gift, and/or being to support us monthly. Please visit the GCM website, or call the office, 407-671-9700 and they will help you. Thanks again!

Ukraine and Latvia in February In February Danelle and I plan to return to Europe and work alongside our good friends and missionaries, Timmy and Kenyon Powers. We plan to travel to Riga, Latvia and work with Andris Dekants and his new wife Alicia (left). They have a heart to reach their country with the gospel. Then we will also return to Odessa, Ukraine to encourage Gennady and Lena Grazdanken (right). We will be teaching the believers in each of these countries for several weeks.

Tanzania Mission in May Lee Gordon, from Gator Christian Fellowship in Gainesville, Florida, invited me to join him and a small team to go to Tanzania in May for three weeks. Our desire is to see a church planting movement started in the remote villages of Tanzania. I have been told there are very few churches in these remote areas, so I am excited to see how God will use us. We will also drill wells and minister in orphanages. We will need your prayer support and will send more information later.

Faithwalkers Conference Danelle, Merry and I will attend the Faithwalkers conference in Asheville again this year. I will be teaching seminars, one on house church and another on relationships, based on

the content of Secure In An Insecure World. BTW, you can order my book for Christmas gift from our web site, or as an e-book from Barnes and Noble, Amazon or I Tunes.

Housing Update Thank you for praying for us about this. God heard and provided an old house near my mother. It took six intense weeks of remodeling to get it ready to live in. We have been in our house for a week now, but it will still take a few weeks to finish unpacking and finish all the little things - like hanging light fixtures. We praise God that we will be settled, organized and better able to serve others. It is a huge emotional blessing for us to be at this point!

Prayer Requests

  1. Faithwalkers Conference. Our teaching at Faithwalkers to minister to everyone’s needs and be a blessing. Pray for God to encourage all who attend. We would come away abiding in Christ and rejoicing in Him more consistently.
  2. Latvia and Ukraine. Pray for wisdom to discern their needs and equip them to do the work of making disciples who will multiply throughout each country. Pray for an effective serving with the Powers
  3. Tanzania Mission. Pray for our team to be united. Pray for us to have discernment to be fruitful in this culture. Pray for God to raise up many men and women of peace, teachable and filled with faith in God.
  4. Please pray for the finances for Danelle and I to minister overseas and here in the Southeastern US.


Yours in Christ’s unfailing love,


Steve and Danelle