Dear Friends of the Ministry,
It is with sadness in my heart that I write to you today. Why?, you ask. Because the season is closed! No, not the hunting season, the fall preaching season!
It was a joy to see students there who used to argue with me now sharing Christ! I had total strangers come up to me each week and thank me for coming out and sharing Christ in a winsome way. Please pray for Pastor Chet Boyd and the members of Downtown Community Fellowship, the church I work with at UGA.
I also spoke at the University of South Carolina in November to the most hostile crowd I have ever had. There were as many as 60 students asking questions, some using obscene gestures, but most listening during the four hours I spoke. One fellow did not like the stance I took on marriage and spit on me. But, several even came back when I was finished to ask more questions and asked for literature! We distributed dozens of the Is Jesus God books! Pastors Dan Rummel and Robbie McAlister, my sister and her husband along with many others came out to support me and share their faith. Sean Meade with Inter-Varsity campus ministry sponsored me to speak.
“Are you all moving to Ukraine?” We still do not know. Sorry! We really want to know too. We promise to let you know as soon as we find out from the mission agency. Please continue to pray for the government to hold fair elections and for the people to not back down in their desire for freedom. It is a spiritual war.
We have been short and unable to receive our full salary for several weeks. The church has graciously “found” money to pay us from the reserves. Would you please pray for God to provide for our needs and give as He leads you. We will also be able to cover our dental expenses from 2004, including the $1,500 for Grace’s wisdom teeth this month. Praise God! Of course we have to raise the money to get reimbursed. All of your gifts are appreciated and keep us out there harvesting n the fields and making disciples of Jesus Christ. Thank you!
We hope you have a Christmas that is filled with the reality of the living Christ!
“And His Name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace” Is. 9:6