Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Love & Discipline

For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you with many tears; not so that you would be made sorrowful, but that you might know the love which I have especially for you. - 2 Corinthians 2:4
My friend seemed resigned to the students constantly using their cell phones in the high school classroom as the new normal. I was shocked to hear about the pandemonium and lack of discipline. He was doing his best to teach. He said he had given up on many of his pupils and was simply trying to help those who wanted to learn amidst the chaos. It was truly sad and heartbreaking. Discipline had left the building . . . and it didn’t seem like it was ever coming back!
Some of us equate discipline with inhibiting someone’s freedom of expression or infringing on their rights. But as in the situation in this classroom, some may have felt free to text, while the rights of the other students to learn were ignored! Funny how it works that way, isn’t it? Those who complain the loudest about discipline are usually the most inconsiderate of other’s rights.
My mother, brother, and myself
The apostle Paul had a similar situation where discipline was difficult, but necessary. You see, he loved the Corinthians enough to correct them. Discipline done properly is just that—love! It is not meant to be hateful or disrespectful of anyone’s rights. It is for the good of all! Discipline done God’s way is always a win—win for all. It worked in Corinth, and it can work with you.
Follow God’s loving way of discipline next time you face a trial: receive it with joy and thankfulness because His purpose is always for your good. Ask Him for gentleness and kindness when you need to correct your children for misbehaving, or a friend who has sinned, and for an open and teachable heart when you are corrected as well.

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