Friday, April 21, 2017

Nelson Newsletter - April 2017

The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether. They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them Your servant is warned; in keeping them there is great reward.  Psalm 19:9-11

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

I’m a beekeeper and enjoy eating the delicious honey; therefore, this analogy is very poignant to me. We pray that you fear the Lord and desire His judgements (truth) more than fine gold! His word is sweeter than honey to our souls, and He greatly rewards us when we keep it! Here are some ways God’s word has recently impacted our lives and others whom we love and serve.

Pastors –Wives Retreat (March 31- April 1) John & Sandy Hopler encouraged us to be like the Lord Jesus, who was, “sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. (Luke 2:46) All of us were challenged to be active listeners.  It was also encouraging to our faith to be with our fellow gospel workers. We enjoyed several heart to heart talks with these dear friends.

Outreach to Ecuadorians Christian is a young man at the car wash I have befriended. He and his wife Maria invited us to speak to their Ecuadorian Bible study recently. I taught about God’s Will – Loving God and our neighbors (believers & unbelievers). We were discussing how to share your story (personal testimony), when Aden, a 13 year old student said, “I don’t have a story.” He asked me how to be a Christian, so we explained it to him with the entire group listening! It was a live training! Pray for Aden’s salvation & for these believers to commit to the Great Commission and making disciples here in Atlanta.

Prayer Requests

1. Friends Pray for these friends we want to bring to Christ –including lifeguards Joyce, & Tim & his girlfriend Ariel, Jairo, Paul, Michael, Abel, Francesca & her husband Abel, Carolina.

2. Christian & Maria Pray for God to capture their hearts with Himself & His mission. Aden’s salvation.

3. Ukraine Mission Trip (May 8-22) Pray for us to rely on God as we teach & train believers. Pray for Bakrom, Kostia, and other friends to be saved. We will immediately travel to Odessa to be with Ganady & Lena & their family. We will return to Kiev & Danelle will teach a seminar for wives about prayer the first weekend. The second weekend we will lead a conference together for the youth about relationships. Thank you to all who gave generously for this trip! We are excited to be leaving in only two weeks!

Yours on mission with Jesus Christ,
Steve & Danelle 

                11002 Lake Hart Dr, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32832

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