Our Faith Tested
You do not have to move to another country to have your faith tested, but it is definitely one way to find out how strong your relationship with Jesus really is! “Every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear
more fruit.” John 15:2 “Why me Lord,” we ask. “Why now? Why is this hardship/difficulty in my life?” This is why He prunes us, “By this is My
Father glorified, that you bear
much fruit.” The process never ends. The circumstances change, but the method of pruning, for the purpose of bearing more fruit to glorify God will continue until we go home. Know it! Understand and be thankful. “He disciplines us
for our good, that we may
share His holiness. “For those whom the Lord
loves He disciplines.” (Verse 6) That is always God’s motive and His purpose in all pruning! This is what we have been experiencing here in Ukraine and it is also what God is doing in your life, wherever you live. We pray for you to bear more fruit for Christ!
Russian Language
Thank you for praying for us as we study Russian! We like our teacher Galina. She keeps patiently pushing us along. Danelle loves grammar (yuck!) and she helps me understand it and keep trying. She is a blessing! We also have a new language helper named Ksusha who comes over in the afternoon to help us. Pray for us to make opportunities to get out and use it more to help us learn.
Some of the young people who came to the Almaz Church Conference |
English Club
Kenyon Powers has faithfully led English clubs in her home for years as a means to share the gospel of Christ. Recently she invited me to come on Tuesday nights since there have been some young men attending. I have loved it! It is “My cup of tea!” Please pray for those attending to come to our Lord. Our veterinarian has expressed an interest in coming as well (we wonder if that is the whole reason we have had sick kittens!). Please pray Vitalic would attend and come to know Jesus.
Timmy speaking at the conference...He is the tiny spec in the background!! |
Almaz Church Conference a Success
The Almaz Church hosted a very successful conference last month with 500 young people from all over Ukraine in attendance. The conference called “Upgrade,” lasted three days, and 10 churches were represented. It was impressive to us to see the quality of organization, the cheerful serving by the Almaz believers and the hunger for God’s word by all in attendance. The seminars, worship, drama and evening teaching were all a work of God. Praise His name! Future work with these believers is why we are going to language school!
Preaching at Spring of Hope
I was invited to speak at one of our GCM churches, Spring of Hope, a few weeks ago. It was a joy to see so many friends going on for Christ. Pastor Andre is now working full time for a newspaper and the church is considering appointing several new pastors to help him. Please pray for these men to seek God and know His will. Pray for the church to cling to Christ as their leader and stay encouraged during this unsettled time.
Mentoring Men
The first Sunday we were here, Victor, a young man I have known for a few years through our summer English camp, asked me if we could get together consistently. We have been spending time together in God’s word, running and get to know each other better. Please pray for Victor to grow in faith and faithfulness to Jesus Christ. He recently graduated from college and is trying to get a job as well.
Grace & some new friends |
Girls Making Friends
Grace and Merry are feeling more at home here every day. They are making friends at school, participating in after school activities and helping lead the worship for the youth group.
Thank you all for remembering us in your prayers. It is kind of a weird time in our lives right now since we are not doing much “ministry” and go to school full time. We miss the ministry, but we are convinced this is God’s plan right now, and we minister to each other and our team.
In His Love,
Steve, Danelle, Grace, & Merry