(The spies speaking to Moses) “They reported to him and said, “We came into the land where you sent us, and it certainly does flow with milk and honey, and this is its fruit. Nevertheless, the people who live in the land are strong, and the cities are fortified and very large. And indeed, we saw the descendants of Anak (giants) there!” Numbers 13:27-28
Dear Fellow Believers,
Don’t leave God out of your reality! Give Him a chance to show up! The men that Moses sent into the promise land correctly assessed the situation. There were giants and fortified cities! But that is where their reality ended. They forgot God. They forgot the God who miraculously liberated them from cruel slavery to Pharoah in Egypt. Joshua and Calab did not forget God and His promise. They entered the land. The other spies died in the wilderness, along with all the men under 20, for their unbelief. The rest of the Jews who did not die had to wander in the wilderness for forty years as well.
A Lesson To Learn: Always remember God, who He is
and what He has done for you. Then you will trust Him with your giants. HE is your reality!
Atlanta House Church We are asking God to help us know Him better - to be our reality and we will trust Him more. We are focusing on our devotional times and how to strengthen our relationship with the Lord. This vital relationship with God is the key to every human relationship we have - our family, church, people at work, and in our communities. Discipling others begins with us! Mark 1:35 is a verse we are all memorizing, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.” NIV Did you know that Spiderman attends our church? That is our reality! And yes, even Spiderman needs to rest sometime!
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Barrie & Spiderman (Will) |
Illinois & Virginia Churches David and Stephanie continue to bring the reality of Jesus to people in Carbondale. Stephanie has a weekly Bible study in person with Kerianna, while David continues to share the gospel with Jeremy, her husband. Stephanie also studies the Bible with Sarah in Portsmouth by phone. She asked that we pray for both Sara (pancreatitis) and Mariella (foot injury) as well as the growth and spiritual health of their church in Virginia.
Nelson Family Needs Danelle and I seek to make God a reality to our families daily. We often support our grandchildren
by attending their events, of which there are many, even though two families
live out of town! Here is Ian Nelson, with the ball, during a recent game. Scott
coached both Ian and Sophie’s teams.
Taking care of my mother is a way to bring God into her reality. This week she fell and could not get up. Fortunately, she did not break anything. She has had shingles, so that may have weakened her. She is still recovering from both and would appreciate your prayers. She will turn 98 in March. God has been a kind reality to her!
Merry and Nathan are expecting a baby girl in May! Please
pray for all 5 of them to bring God into their reality – to raise godly children, for
a healthy mother and baby girl, and to effectively disciple other young couples
in their church.
Prayer & Praise
1. Atlanta House Church Pray for us
to imitate Paul’s passion to know Christ, “that I may know Him and to power
of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings.” Pray that we would
seek Him in His word! Pray for our church to be more effective in building one
another’s faith and our love for lost people.
2. Virginia and Illinois Churches Pray for Jeremy to repent and trust Christ, for
Kerianna and Sarah to apply truth they learn from studying the Bible, and for
Sarah and Mariella’s healing.
3. Family Needs Ask God to comfort Mother as
she recovers from shingles and ages. Ask God to help us care for her and her changing
needs. Pray for Merry and her baby (due in May) to both be healthy. Finally, praise
God that He just gave Nathan a new job! He was out of work only for the
weekend! See, God shows up when He is our reality – when we choose to
believe in Him!
May God
be your greatest Reality!
Steve & Danelle
wwww.reliant.org 11002 Lake Hart Dr, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32832 www.gcmnelson.com
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