“But the angel said to
them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which
will be for all the people!” Luke 2:10
Merry Christmas
Dear Friends!
It is difficult to
escape the constant barrage of bad news from the radio, television, and
internet. Murders, car accidents, hurricanes and floods, immorality, and deadly
diseases are common stories that can leave us depressed and feeling hopeless.
Praise God there
is “good news of great joy which will be (is) for all the people!” God does
love all people and can change any life willing to come to Him in sincere
repentance and faith. He is using you - your prayers and gifts to make this
happen through our ministry. Here are some highlights from 2017.
Our Southeast House
Church Conference in August was just what God ordered (3 photos below). The churches from Gainesville,
Raleigh, and Atlanta enjoyed rich discussions and support for one another as we
learned how to hear from God together. It was different. We all left loved and
Atlanta Outreach God
has given me a passion to help the “average” Christian be faithful and fruitful
in their relationship with Him, their family, and in the marketplace. Here are some ways God is using this in
Atlanta. Danelle and I continue to meet weekly
with Abel and Francesca. They
came to Christ two months ago and we are impressed by their desire to
read God’s word, as well as by the questions they have written down each
week to ask us. They also have a passion to see their son, Abel Israel, and other
family members to hear the good news & come to God too. Several
weeks ago, I met Jesse from Eritrea at our local
coffee shop. He had only been in America less than a month. I gave him my personal
testimony tract the first time we met. He is eager to meet. Pray for us to find
the time to meet, as well as his salvation. God continues to help me model taking
every day situations and turning them into gospel conversations with the men at
the car wash and lifeguards at the pool.
Danelle & Francesca
House Church Our
church is growing in faith in God through responsibilities at work, raising
families, and serving one another. God’s plan is to use each of these to help
us grow our faith in Him and His word. Sometimes it may seem insignificant to
live faithfully and be responsible, but it is His seminary training and
extremely important. If we fail to be faithful servants at work, at home, or
with one another, then the world is not drawn to Jesus. They don’t see the Lord
alive in us if we grumble and complain about our work, or we are lazy and
selfish at home. Please pray for us to keep growing in faithfulness to Christ,
dependence on His Spirit, and living under His grace.
Alex & Oksana
Conference (Dec 28-30) Danelle and I will teach a seminar at our
annual conference in Asheville, NC. Pray for us and the 600 students to hear
from God and apply truth.
Prayer Requests
1 Atlanta
House Church Pray for us to grow in faithfulness in little things,
godly character, our devotion to prayer, and compassion for the lost in our
city in 2018.
2. Local Outreach Pray that Jesse and I would be able to meet & for
his salvation. Pray too for Jairo, Michael, Harvey, Ken, & others to see Christ
living in us & receive the good news!
3. Faithwalkers
Conference Pray for Danelle and I as we teach a seminar, “How to Start
Spiritual Conversations,” at the Faithwalkers conference, December 28-30 in
4. Our Personal Support Finally, please
pray for God to supply our needs. The last few months we haven’t been able to
receive our full paycheck due to a shortage of support. If you wish to give a
special gift at the end of the year, please follow this link to give on line. We
appreciate it very much! https://reliant.org/steve.nelson?newGift.
Thanks to all of you who support us
month after month, as well as with your special gifts!
Yours in Christ’s love,
Steve &
(Nelson Family 2017)

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