“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore ask
the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest. Go!” Luke 10:2-3
Dear Ministry Partners,
Fall is officially
here, even though it still feels like summer with temperatures in the 90’s here
in Atlanta. Football now captures the attention of many, including us Clemson fans.
;-) It’s a team sport. For a team to do well, each member must be “All In” as
one coach has admonished his players.
The body of Christ, the church, is no
less a team effort. We need you to be all in. You need me, and each child of
God, to be wholehearted in loving and serving the Lord. You are our teammates. Here
are some answers to your prayers for this ministry! Thanks for being all in!
House Church God led
us to consider what “next steps” He wants us to take to reach lost people. Each of
us prayed about this, shared our specific steps with one another, and then
compiled them in a document for us to pray for one another. We’re getting more serious
about “going!”
Clemson Outreach This week, September 27-28, I will be evangelizing
at Clemson University with Rich Suplita and a couple from Texas. Please pray for
us as we join campus minister, Brian Bridgeman, to share the liberating message
of Christ with students.
Hispanic Outreach Our friends, Abel and Francesca, now have both
trusted Christ for eternal life! Danelle and I meet with them weekly to read
the Bible and pray. Francesca wants her two sisters and their families to come
to know Christ! Pray for God to save all of them!
Prayer Requests
1. Atlanta House Church Pray
for us to be faithful to pray for & practice our “next steps.”
2. Outreach to College Students Pray for the Clemson outreach
September 27-28.
3. Persons of Peace Pray
for Abel and Francesca to grow and be powerful witnesses. Pray for the Spirit
to bring her sister’s families to the Lord. Pray for Danelle and me to train
them well.
United with you on mission,
Steve & Danelle

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