Greetings Saints of
Tribulation Our world is often a source of
pain, injustice, suffering, and sadness. Jesus said we would have tribulation. Yesterday,
I read the story about the Jewish exiles rebuilding the Lord’s temple, which
had been destroyed. After only completing the foundation, “They sang, praising and giving thanks to the Lord, saying, “For He is
good, for His lovingkindness is upon Israel forever.” Ezra 3:10 These Jews had
only made a dent in this immense project, and yet by faith they sang praises to
the Lord. We need to imitate their faith
and not allow the world to rob our joy. Let’s keep “praising and giving thanks
to the Lord,” knowing that He is good, He loves us, and He is sovereign!
Gainesville House Churches Thank you for
praying for our time with Larry and Corey Messer and all the saints in
Gainesville. We had rich fellowship with them on Saturday and then with both
churches on Sunday. Steve spoke about “Lifestyle Evangelism” and the challenges
we all face being on mission while raising a family and working to provide for
our family. In Atlanta we face the same challenges. We’re asking God to give us
hearts of compassion for the unbelievers we see daily, which will enable us to
overcome our selfishness and fears.
LINC Orlando Danelle and I then
traveled to Orlando to speak to the college students about “Raising Godly
Families.” Since they are not married yet, we gained their attention by showing
them how having a godly family employs many of the same principles used in
making disciples. One way or the other, they were locked in and listened intently
and asked good follow up questions! We also joined them one morning on the UCF
campus for a few hours of sharing Christ where we had numerous heartfelt
conversations with students. Four students - Mondo from Venezuela, Anna from
Guatemala, Yanica from Jamaica, and Kelly, were a few we remember well because
of their openness.
Reliant Office Visit While in Orlando we
spent one morning with the Reliant staff. We were invited to speak about our
ministry to give them an opportunity to get to know Danelle and I better. They
were extremely kind, loving, and supportive. We had a delightful time, and
thank God for all the staff who serve Danelle and I, and hundreds of other
missionaries. Please view our new
Reliant web page if you haven’t.
Please consider giving
a special gift to help cover our travel expenses. The account for which we are responsible has
been down this summer. Thank you all so much!
1. Gainesville Churches Pray for these two churches to more
effectively reach out to unbelievers.
May God enlarge their hearts with compassion and give them good
friendships. Please pray this for the house churches in Atlanta and Raleigh.
2. Orlando LINC Pray for the students to have godly families someday.
Pray they would continue be faithful to love and serve others this summer. Pray
for more UCF students to come to Christ, including Mondo, Anna, Yanica, Kelly, and
others who heard the good news.”
3. Our Financial Needs. Pray for God to abundantly provide for our
ministry needs.
4. Stephanie and Malachi Please pray for our daughter Stephanie to have
a safe delivery and a healthy baby. She and David are expecting their third
son, Malachi, the middle of this month.
Thank you so much for being on our
Steve and
11002 Lake Hart Dr, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32832
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