Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Worship - Services or People? (Part 2)

When they had struck them with many blows, they threw them into prison, commanding the jailer to guard them securely; and he, having received such a command, threw them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks. But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Acts 16:24-25

Paul and Silas worshipped God in prison. When we assume that worship needs to have the aforementioned parameters in part one (such as a special place), we severely limit our own growth and our witness to the world.

Last week I encountered a young man named Johnny who worked at the Home Depot. We initially “connected” when we briskly walked past each other in silence outside the store. God orchestrated my second encounter with Johnny as he helped me load some mulch in my truck. After a few minutes of getting acquainted, I asked him if he had eternal life. That is when he smiled and said, “I thought you were probably a Christian when I saw the first time.” I said, “What made you think that?”  He replied, “Because you were smiling.” Why was I smiling at 7pm on a Monday night? You guessed it, I was worshipping God! I was walking in the Spirit, thanking God, and that motivated me to look for opportunities to share Christ. 

You are a worshipper -always, everywhere you go. It is primarily who God created us to be, not what we do.  Don’t be fooled into thinking that your relationship with God must be limited to a few hours a week at a certain place, led by a special group of people.  It is who you are!

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