Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Nelson Newsletter–July 2014

Orlando LINC Danelle and I had a delightful time with the students in Orlando last week. It refreshes our hearts to see young people who are serious about following Jesus and sharing their faith with others. We joined them several times to meet UCF students, and tell them how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. God gave us many quality conversations with students open to the gospel. I also taught several seminars. Please pray for those we met, and others they will contact this summer, to experience God’s love from a new birth.


Kevin. Danelle and I left Orlando left Orlando on Saturday morning in time to join our house church for a special evening event. Our new brother in Christ, Kevin Ware, was baptized June 14th in the Chattahoochee! He obeyed the Lord while our house church, and his girlfriend Victoria, gathered to support and celebrate. We praised & thanked our risen Savior, who continues to forgive sinners and give them new life - eternal life! Then we enjoyed sweet fellowship during a cookout at Grace and Ward’s place on the river.

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GCC Pastors Conference I joined several hundred pastors in Kansas City for our annual pastor’s conference. Josh McDowell (on left) came to speak to us about communication. Josh was instrumental in my becoming a Christian in Clemson 41 years ago. Danelle and I heard him speak about the family in Ukraine (right) about 6 years ago when we served there as missionaries.

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Prayer Requests

1. Please continue to pray for Kevin’s spiritual growth, and for his desire to share Christ with his friends and family.  Pray for Kevin and Victoria to serve God and others together.        

2. Pray for our time with our daughter, Julie, and granddaughters, Jasper and Dewey. They will be visiting in Georgia for 6 weeks.                                                            

3. Pray for our house church to grow deeper in our devotion to Christ, one another, and the lost.

Yours on mission,

Steve and Danelle

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