Greetings from Ukraine - where it is finally warm and green! God is showing off His power and beauty with the flowers and new life that surround us. The transformation of the earth reminds us of the power of the gospel to transform lives. The miracle of the new birth in Christ transforms us, holding us spellbound. And it should! We are spellbound at God’s grace that has allowed us to be here in Ukraine and witness lives being trans-formed. Sometimes the transformation in people seems slow and sometimes it seems to happen overnight. But, it is all
God’s work. He began it, and He will finish it. We are blessed to be part of GCE, working alongside missionaries with a similar passion (photo). Here is what we have seen recently of God’s transforming grace.
Great Commission Europe Staff -April Conference
House Churches We continue to meet in our apartment on Sunday to worship Christ, build each other’s faith, and reach out to our lost family and friends. Danelle and I have been refreshed by:
- Listening to Vlad and Lena ask heartfelt questions, seeking to grow as young parents.
- Helping Dima and Marina reach out to the lost at the Autistic School. Dima has also helped me recruit students for our sports camp in June.
- Hearing Sasha, a new believer, pray for his roommates and his sister to come to Christ.
- Encouraged by Sergei taking the initiative to share the gospel with some Mormons.
We so much want them to “get it”; to run with the Holy Spirit and make disciples of their fellow countrymen. Pray for us as we mentor them and several house church leaders in the Kiev area.

Family Affairs We flew home last month to hear Grace sing at her final recital. She sang like an angel! Danelle, our other daughters, and our daughters-in-law prepared food for the reception. And thanks to the Batchelors for cleaning up! It was a rich family time that made good memories!

While we were there another major event occurred. Stephanie & David Shirley got engaged! We are so happy for them! David is a godly young man who loves the Lord Jesus and treats Stephanie as his princess. He’d better! ☺ They plan to get married August 8
th in Atlanta, and will live in Athens, GA. David is in graduate school and Stephanie has one more year at UGA.
Running Camp We are presently recruiting high school students to attend our running/sports camp June 15-20. Alan Parrish and a few other coaches are coming to help teach running techniques, lead discussions about health and share the gospel with these young people. We hope to have about 20-30 students attend this event.
Steve’s New Book Do you know someone who is considering marriage; or perhaps a teenager or a single person trying to understand love and relationships? Steve has written a new book,
Secure In An Insecure World, addressing our insecurities, fears and doubts that often lead us to unwise, and even desperate decisions regarding marriage. Steve’s book is filled with real life stories from his years of interaction with college students. He offers practical ways to find love and contentment
before marriage. To read more or order a copy, please go to We published this book here in Ukraine and plan to use the proceeds to have the book translated into Russian. We are excited about the possibility of these truths transforming lives in the former Soviet Union as well.
Prayer Requests:
- God would capture the hearts of those in our house churches with His love for one another and the lost.
- God would bring students to our camp with open hearts and save many.
- God would lead our House Church conference in Kiev, May 21-24.
- God would start many new churches outside of Kiev.
- God would prepare David and Stephanie to have a Christ-centered marriage. 2 Corinthians 11:3
We are yours in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Steve and Danelle
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