Greetings from “Hot ‘Lanta!” We have thoroughly enjoyed our time in Atlanta this summer, and it has been hot! God has given us quality time with our children, my parents and friends. We spoke in several churches, had parties for our supporters in Atlanta and Columbia, SC, and met with many of you personally to share about our work in Ukraine. We felt God’s amazing love and grace and it refreshed our souls! Thank you all for being on our team! Speaking of teams, did you watch the Olympics? (Did you notice the gold in our newsletter?) There were many nights where we gathered with family and friends to see the amazing feats performed in Beijing. We were looking for my Ukrainian friends – coaches and athletes with whom I have shared God’s love and truth. Aren’t you glad you don’t have to get to heaven by winning a race, by your performance? Salvation is a free gift of God! I had a chance today to explain that to Brian, a plumber from New York, who was here fixing a leak. He said he was very open and eagerly took the Bible and booklet I offered him. Praise God! The harvest is plentiful saints! Look around you today and be ready to give an account for the hope that is within you.
Russia Invading Georgia Many of you have asked us about what impact Russia’s invasion of Georgia will have on us in Ukraine. We don’t see any immediate danger. Russia will continue to put pressure on Ukraine and others in Europe by controlling the natural gas supply. Please pray for peace in Georgia!

Ministry To Orphans Bagdon and his wife Anya (on right, in white) do an excellent job ministering to former orphans. They help them transition to the real world - finding jobs or attending college. They invite them to live with them where they hear the gospel and see God’s love daily. They disciple them if they trust Christ as their Savior. Here is a baptism of three new believers. About 7-8 have given their lives to Christ this year! They asked Danelle and I disciple them and to help with the church meeting in their home. It has been a pleasure to work with such kind people!
Mentoring Men My main purpose is to mentor young men. It is so simple - living life together, serving others together and being a friend. In June I spent several days with Ivan at his home in southern Ukraine where I met has grandfather (right) and mother. Ivan appreciated the rich spiritual conversations we had. So did I!
Prayer Requests After three years of living in Ukraine, we are more adjusted to the culture, more fluent in the language, and also we are empty nesters; therefore we are trusting God, and anticipating a year of great fruitfulness Here are some specific requests.
- Kiev Simple Church Conference (Sept. 11-14)
- Great Commission Europe Pastors/Wives Conference (Sept 30-Oct 4)
- Effective Mentoring With Maxim, Ivan, Vlad and Serge.
- Starting New Churches in Kiev and Chernigov
- Stephanie, Grace & Merry In College
- Matthew, Julie & Jasper Living In NYC
- Scott and Maria’s Baby Due In October
Yours in Christ’s Love,
Steve and Danelle
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