Dear Ministry Friends,  |
Our English Club - Kostia is in the top left corner next to Kenyan Powers |
Sping is coming soon!After a long winter, we have had highs in the low 30s lately. This is a heat wave for us and we are elated!
Nelsons on the escalator going to the metro train. Those escalators sure move quickly! |
Considered a FriendKostia is a 26 year old young man in our English club who has attended since last May. Ever since I met him last fall, we have been getting closer- spending time talking on the phone, running in the snow or meeting at McDonalds to discuss salvation and other issues. I have attempted to get Kostia a temporary job in America with the assistance of some of you all. He is a lawyer who would like experience working for a year or less in the States. Recently he shared with me some difficulty he had with his boss. I listened, mentioned some scriptures and told him that God was using this difficulty to bring him to Christ. He is searching, but not saved yet. He told me he considered me a friend and was very thankful for my advice and concern. You must understand that Ukrainians consider very few people to be their real friends. They will tell you that most people they know are only their acquaintances, not friends. This is a huge breakthrough! Please ask God to open his eyes and save him.
GCM staff dinner at our apartment |
Budding WritersDanelle and I attended a writing class taught by Christian author Janice Rogers. It was inspiring and helpful in many practical ways. Please pray for both of us to write for the glory of God. We feel He has given us some insight into His word and some interesting stories to share that will benefit others. Many of you know I have enjoyed writing devotionals for Daylights for years. If you would like to read any of these you can go to the GCAC web site and find them. I wrote one for this issue of Daylights about running that was published on March 21st, my brother’s birthday! I have started writing a book and would like to be disciplined and creative to work on it. It takes work! Please pray for these needs of ours.
Open Air Preaching @ Local UniversityI want to preach at a small University near our home and see what God does. Please pray for Masha as she translates and for the students to come out and ask questions with a spiritual hunger. Ask God for a powerful work of His Spirit! Your prayers will make the difference!.
Thank you all so much for supporting us so we can be here in Ukraine serving our precious Savior. We know you pray for us, we feel it in our soul and see it daily in our faith.
Prayer Requests:
- Danelle’s knee to heal after a bad fall on the ice.
- Perseverance in speaking Russian. We finished all 6 cases and are practicing!
- Kostia, Zhanya and Julia to come to Jesus. They are very serious seekers!
- Danelle and I to write and have quality time with the girls during spring break.
Yours in our Savior's love,
Steve, Danelle, Grace and Merry
Help for KCA (Kiev Christian Academy)
Did you know that the number one reason missionaries leave the field is because of their children’s education?
Thankfully, the Lord has blessed us with a Christian school in Kiev for missionary kids! Kiev Christian Academy was started by two Campus Crusade moms shortly after the Iron Curtain parted. It met in a two-room apartment and had four students. Today, it has over 120 students and is sharing space in a dilapidated boarding school for deaf children. The only playground for the kindergarteners through high-schoolers is a dirt lot.
Because the school is exploding in growth as missionary families race to help in the former Soviet Union, we are in need of a bigger building. Imagine taking your young family to a foreign country, counting on the fact of having a safe school for your kids, only to arrive and discover that there is no space available to accept your children. Even dedicated home-schoolers are unable to educate their children while attending language school themselves.
The land for the new building is already purchased. To fund the building, each Kiev Christian Academy family and teacher are praying to raise $2,955. We would be so appreciative of anything you might be able to contribute towards this amount.
Thanks so much for all you’ve done for us personally over the years. We would be grateful for your consideration of this special, one-time request. Checks for donations should be made out to “Friends of KCA” and mailed to:
Kiev Christian Academy
c/o Mrs. Julie Newton
463 Gaillardia Way, NW
Acworth, GA. 30102