Monday, September 30, 2024

Nelson Newsletter - September 2024


“For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13  

Dear Ministry Partners, 

I hope you are doing well and encouraged by our Father’s love! Last month I wrote about being prepared to share Christ with unbelievers. This month I focused on plans.  God has awesome plans for each of us! He says we must pray and seek Him to know His plans. Notice that the goal is to find Him! Find God and your find His plan!

God’s plan is to: 1. Save us through repentance and faith in Christ (Acts 17:20-21). 2. He begins to transform us after the new birth and receiving the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:1-2) We grow our relationship through faith and obedience.  His plan is to transform our character to be like His Son (Ephesians 4:11-16). Our transformation is part of His plan to use us to bring more people to faith Christ. All of this brings Him glory.

Carbondale Church I get excited when I see God’s plan of transforming lives taking place! Last month we wrote about Keianna’s baptism. This week she volunteered to host their gathering!  Stephanie and David asked that we continue praying for her husband Jeffrey to come to Christ. He lost his new job with the city police department, but David helped him find a position with the campus police! God is revealing Himself to this young man!

Atlanta House Church Danelle and I attended our annual neighborhood Chili Cookoff last week. While we were walking over, we asked God to open opportunities to share Christ with receptive people. He did! Here is how His plan unfolded…

Steve is a neighbor we have known casually for a few years. He came over to talk with me at the food table and shared about his recent search for God. I could sense that something was deeply troubling him, which had fueled his recent desire to find God. He was seriously searching.

Steve was raised Catholic, so he asked his priest what he should do. He told him to read the Gospels. But I sensed that he had not found a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus yet, so I said, "Do you know that God is also searching for you? Yes, He is! He loves you and wants you to find Him. I wrote a book about God searching for us called, Granddad's Animal Adventures. It has 24 short stories about God revealing Himself to us through His creation. You may want to purchase a copy." Steve quickly responded, "That sounds perfect! My six-year-old daughter and I are finishing up a book now. I will order a copy so we can read it together."

A few days later, God put it on my heart to take Steve a copy. He was not at home, so I wrote him a note in the book and left it by his back door. Here is his text, “Got your book yesterday! Thank you so much. I’m excited to share it with Didi. I was just reading your lovely note to her which you wrote on the flyleaf. Almost out of nowhere, she started asking me all kinds of questions about God on Saturday. We are wrapping up our current book, so this is right on time. We are looking forward to enjoying it!”

 (Danelle and I captured this double rainbow recently. It reminded us that God keeps all of His promises to fulfill His plans! Genesis 9:8-17, Numbers 23:19)


 Prayer and Praise

Steve & Didi Ask God to use my book, which contains a clear presentation of the gospel, to save them. Pray for more interaction with them soon. Ask God to use you to share Christ. He will!

Atlanta Church Pray for God to equip us for ministry as we read and discuss Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis. Pray that we would all have unbelievers on our hearts.

Portsmouth Church Stephanie and David need God’s grace to raise their four children and love one another. They want to be good examples for the church to follow. Ask God to save Jeffrey!    

Pastors Conference Please pray for our conference October 24-26 in Jacksonville to be led by the Spirit so that needs would be met, everyone would be edified, and our relationships strengthened. Pray for us to know Him better so that we will discern His plans for our churches. Thank you!

Planning to see Jesus,

  Steve & Danelle               




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