I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no
longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the
flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved
me and gave Himself up for me. Galatians 2:20
Dear Beloved Of
There is nothing more powerful than the love of God! The Son of God loved
us and gave Himself for us on the cross! Fantastic! Now we can be set free from
our sin and guilt and become His children. The only thing necessary is for us to
repent (true sorrow for sin) and place our faith in Jesus. True Freedom!
Now that we know Him, we can live in Christ’s love! This is true security
in a world that offers no true hope, love, or peace. Please enjoy reading how
Jesus Christ has been living in and through us recently…
Atlanta House Church After months of Zoom
meetings on Sunday mornings, we are now back together. Our church has been
meeting in the Bearden’s carport and the park over the past month. It is so
good to be able to sing and worship the Lord and pray together again. We have also been
reading the letter to the Galatians, thus the verse quoted above about being
crucified with Christ and living loved. Please
pray for us to grow deeper in Christ and continue to reach out to others with
the good news of Jesus.
Steve’s New Book Granddad’s Animal Adventures, We are excited to announce
that Steve’s new children’s book, is now available in paperback, as well as an e-book on Kindle. I now contains 18
stories, after adding – Get Back On The Horse, 103 Fish, and A
Hardheaded Owl.
If you wish to order a copy for your children or grandchildren, follow
this link: https://tinyurl.com/y9kbp3hb. Enjoy the Adventures!
New look for Secure In An
Insecure World. We recently updated the cover and some of the inside
photos. My daughter, Julie, and her girls, Jasper and Emilia Dewey, were
extremely helpful in layout and design of both books. David, my son in law, also
helped greatly with the layout of both books. Please check out the new look,
and consider buying one for a single person. Use this link to order on
Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/yahjvq2n
Prayer &
1. Atlanta
House Church Pray for God to motivate us to live crucified to
ourselves and alive to Him, and to look for ways to love unbelievers.
2. Granddad’s Animal Adventures Ask God to use Steve’s book
to bring children to know their Creator personally through Christ. Pray for folks
to discover the book. It is available in paperback through Amazon here: https://tinyurl.com/y9kbp3hb
Granddaughter Wilhelmina continues to count down her chemo treatments with #4
this week. Pray for her wounds to heal - as the chemo brings on regression. She
could not receive treatment last week as her blood levels were down. Your
prayers for her and her parents are powerful, effective, & needed!

Danelle’s Knee Please pray for Danelle to remain hopeful as her knee heals more slowly
than she would like. Pray for wisdom about exercise and diet to aid in her
Thank you for your effective prayers!
Steve & Danelle
(My Father’s Day gift from Danelle)