“The harvest is plentiful, but the
workers are few. Therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into
his harvest. Go!” Luke 10:2-3
Dear Ministry
House Church Our church continues to learn
how to reach unbelievers. Our most recent activity is reading God Space
by Doug Pollock. He does an excellent job explaining how to make unbelievers
feel safe to share their hearts with us, and how to start spiritual
conversations. He is a practitioner who has learned how to ask sincere
questions and draw people out. I highly recommend this book to you.
Clemson Outreach In
September Rich Suplita and I took a team to Clemson University where we joined
Brian Bridgeman (in photo above with Issac Baum) to share the gospel with students. God answered your prayers by giving us many good conversations. Julia is a
Christian involved in their student ministry. The two of us shared our
testimonies and the gospel together with several students. She expressed how
the training was very helpful for her. When I returned home, she sent me her personal
testimony to edit. She is excited about using it to reach other students!
Please pray for Brian & students -Julia, Issac, Sarah and others to be
faithful witnesses on the campus.
Local Outreach Danelle and I continue to meet weekly with Abel and Francesca to read the
Bible and pray. They are eager students of the Word of God. It is a joy to see
how they support one another in their new life. Last week I met Abdulla from
Morocco. He works at the car wash with our
Christian friend, Chris from Ecuador. When I asked Abdulla if he would like to
read my book, he was excited. I brought it a few days later and he insisted on
me signing it and then gave me a big hug. Pray for his salvation and Chris’
witness to him and all the unblievers there, including Jairo, Joel, and Michael.
Southeast Pastors Conference Pastors of Great Commission Churches met in
Jacksonville last weekend to seek God for direction for our region. We also
shared our personal and church needs and prayed for one another. We prayed for the
younger leaders, as seen in this photo. It’s always refreshing to be with men of
like heart and passion to serve Jesus Christ!
Prayer Requests
1. Atlanta House
Church Pray for us to care enough about unbelievers to serve them,
listen to them, and learn how to ask sincere questions that lead to spiritual
2. Outreach to College Students Pray for Brian
and the Christians at Clemson to multiply. Pray for their lives to be holy and
examples of Christ. Pray for their love for one another to grow.
3. Local Outreach Pray
for Abdulla and other unbelievers to come to Christ. Continue to ask God for Abel
and Francesca’s growth and desire for their family and friends to come to
Christ. Pray for their son, Abel Israel, to come to Christ. Pray for Danelle
and I grace to train them well.
Yours in the Harvest,
Steve &