Sunday, December 18, 2016

Nelson Newsletter

Merry Christmas Everyone!

What was the first Christmas all about? It was about the Creator’s love for His rebellious creation that motived Him to radical action. In Jesus’ words, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” His love was a self-sacrificial love that caused Him to leave heaven in pursuit of sinful men and women. Jesus came into this world through the supernatural birth of a virgin in the humble surroundings of a stable. He lived a sinless life of devotion to His Father, love for all mankind, and gave Himself on the cross to pay for our sins. Everyone who chooses to turn and surrender to Christ will be forgiven and found!!!

Jesus Christ is still seeking to save that which is lost today! Here are some recent stories of His pursuit of mankind.

Abel’s Story (Continued) God is still seeking to save Abel! Last week we meet Abel and his parents to explain the gospel (again) to them. They too were more attentive than ever after his recent accident. His mother said we were the answer to her prayers by spending time with her son and telling him about God’s love. This week Danelle bought copies of Grace Awakening in Spanish by Chuck Swindol to help them understand that salvation is by grace alone. Their Catholic background teaches them that salvation is earned by their good deeds. Pray for Abel, and his parents Francesca and Abel, to come to Christ soon -to be found!
Best Buy Miracle She was taken aback and speechless. I just asked the cashier at Best Buy, “Have you ever seen a miracle?” Most likely she was rarely asked such a deep question totally unrelated to purchasing an appliance or television.  I thought I should help her out, so I repeated the question to give her more time to think about her answer. "No, I haven't" she replied. "You are looking at one," I told her. By then I knew that I had her full attention. I went on to explain myself, as I handed her my personal testimony, "Here's my story. Please read it when you get a break and you will understand what I am talking about!"

The Christians with Atlanta House Church are seeking to reach the lost every day, in every way possible. The cashier at Best Buy is an example of the countless opportunities we have daily to love those in darkness. We are learning as a church to “Care Enough To Share!” We are learning to overcome our fears and “Care Enough To Seek” the lost like the Lord Jesus did. Pray for us as to grow in our love for our neighbors, co-workers, family, and strangers.

Faithwalkers Conference (Dec 27-Jan 2)  Danelle and I will join 700+ college & high school students in Asheville again this year for our annual conference. I will be teaching two seminars this year – Whole Health, and Secure In An Insecure World. Please pray for the students, for all the teachers, and for Danelle and I as we speak. Thank you.

Prayer Requests

1. Unbelievers in Atlanta Pray for those we are seeking to win to Christ in Atlanta -including Jairo, Daniel, Paul, Edwardo, Joel, Michael, Abel, Francesca, Abel, & Carolina.

2. Faithwalkers Conference Please ask the Lord to touch hearts and bring us all into a deeper relationship with Him resulting in a stronger love for others. Pray for our seminars too.

3. Our Support We are most grateful for your faithful support of our ministry in 2016! You all are amazing! Now we desire to enter 2017 with a strong account balance and make up for the present deficit. To accomplish this, please consider helping Danelle and I with a special gift. This will enable us to travel and teach churches in the Southeast and overseas.  If you choose to help, please visit the Reliant website below and click the Give tab. Of course you can always mail your gift for us at Reliant address below. Our account is #5951. Thank you so much!

It is our prayer for each of you to have a worship-filled Christmas holiday with your family and friends. Take time to reflect on God’s Gift of Jesus, His unfailing love for you, and His heart for a lost world all around you. May you also get some much-needed rest and be healthy in 2017.

                                           My mother, Maria & James Nelson

because Christ came seeking,                                                                       
We love you dearly, 
Steve and Danelle 

             RELIANT 11002 Lake Hart Dr, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32832