Dear Friends, thank you for your effective prayers for Tanzania! Our first week was spent at a school for orphans in southern Tanzania way out in the bush. There was no electricity or running water. We held Bible studies for the students, and 3-4 of them gave their lives to Christ at the end of the week!
Then we traveled to Mwanza, in northern Tanzania. We spent two entire days listening to the pastors describe their ministries and the challenges they face. We taught them and reminded them of God’s faithfulness and all sufficient grace. We drilled wells in two of their villages. We would drill the well and then share the gospel with the crowds which gathered to watch. Another 10-12 gave Christ their lives!
Some of the most encouraging results were with young Christian men like Detrick and Alfred, pictured below. They exhibited teachable hearts, and could be some of those we work with in the future to spread the gospel and make disciples across the country. Please pray for us to maintain communication, which is not easy. Another blessing was how our team became close as we loved and served one another, working hard drilling wells and preaching Christ. There are more pictures of the mission on our web site.
Detrick (goggles), Alfred (center), Lee( hat), Luke (far right) | Steve sharing the gospel after a day of well drilling |
Prayer and Praise
- Tanzania: Hundreds heard the gospel and about 15 gave their lives to Christ!
- All had diarrhea, some got stung, others had infections & parasites, but nobody got hurt. Praise God!
- Dozens of pastors and leaders were encouraged and trained. Pray for them to grow and reach the lost.
- Two New Granddaughters: Danelle arrived in NY on May 16th, just in time to help Julie deliver Emilia Dewey Newton. Amanda gave birth to Wilhelmina Hart Nelson on May 25th. Thank God, all are healthy!
- Danelle and I enjoyed the Great Commission Pastors-Wives conference June 18-20 in St. Louis. The fellowship was rich and the teaching challenging and refreshing to our faith. Thank you for your prayers!
- July 15-21 Pray for Danelle and I as we teach students at LINK in St. Petersburg, FL. We will stop in Gainesville, FL on the 21st to speak to some Gators who are interested in functioning as a house church.
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Neanda, a Christian teacher at the orphan school | |
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Our team taught & encouraged pastors and leaders for 2 days | Detrick (far right, in glasses) leading Bible study at the school |
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Some students I shared Christ with on the ferry | Carrie and Melinda leading women’s Bible study |
Yours in Christ’s love, Steve and Danelle