Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,
We are now back in America, adjusting to life here, and seeking God for where to serve next. Leaving Ukraine was a very emotional experience. We became very close with Timmy and Kenyon Powers and David and Mindy Henson, so saying good bye was difficult for all of us. Parting ways was the same with
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Powers, Nelsons, & Hensons | Tuesday Night Bible Study |
our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in Christ. Danelle and I attended our European missionary conference in Greece last month. While we were there, we took a day trip to the ruins of Philippi. We studied Paul’s letter to the Philippians during the week and I had the privilege to teach from Philippians 1 about how Paul felt about his fellow laborers, “It is only right for me to feel this way about you because I have you in my heart.” This is exactly how we feel about the Powers, Hensons, and so many others in Ukraine. They will always be in our hearts and prayers!
Leaving Ukraine was an exhausting process - visiting numerous friends to say good bye, packing, selling, or giving away our belongings, and finally traveling back to our native country. We thank God for the opportunity to serve in Ukraine. He changed many lives during the six years we were there, including ours! We praise Him for His grace which has been sufficient! We thank you all for making this possible with your prayers and financial support. You all have been fantastic! We would like to sit down with as many of you as possible to exchange stories of His amazing grace in all of our lives. Lord willing, we would like to continue serving with Great Commission Ministries overseas and here in the Southeast. Our future is in His hands. Here is a comforting verse God has given us that may be relevant to you too.
Prayer Requests:
- Counsel during the Missionary debriefing May 29-June 3 & the Pastor’s conference June 13-15.
- Quality time with our supporters, friends, and family this summer.
- Wisdom for future ministry overseas, in the Southeast, as well as Atlanta.
Yours in Christ’s love,
Steve and Danelle