Fall Greetings from Ukraine – What a beautiful time of the year- its cooler, the leaves are changing and its harvest time! Fortunately, Steve now has a Nimbus 2000 to zip around Kiev and avoid all the terrible traffic! An owl brought it last month for his birthday.
European Summit We met in Berlin last month for our annual leadership summit. These are the men with whom I am linked heart and soul to make disciples and plant churches in Europe. Herschel Martindale, (centered on the couch) along with Joe Dunn, (back row -4
th from right) came to participate with us. Discipleship, leadership and equipping others were discussed, and we had excellent times praying for the Lord to send out workers into the harvest.
Discipleship on the Run Danelle, Ivan and I went to Germany, where Ivan and I ran the Cologne marathon on October 4
th. Ivan’s first marathon! Training with Ivan over the past six months afforded us numerous opportunities for fellowship. God used this time to build this young man’s new faith, as well as mine!
Two are better than one! The believers in the Cologne were very kind and supportive. We enjoyed excellent fellowship with Lori Goering, the Fords, and the Bonnets.
Secure In An Insecure World in Russian soon! It has been translated, and will soon be published in Russian! Thank you so much for praying with us for this project. The truths have already transformed the lives of many Ukrainians who read the English version. A resent testimony from a young man:
“I will be sending a copy of your book to someone who I love dearly. Would you please pray for her? She is trying to find herself right now and I am praying and hoping that God will reveal Himself to her and guide her into His will for her life. Thank you for your ministry, and may God bless you.”
Please Pray For:
- Many from City on a Hill Church to embrace discipleship.
- These disciples to multiply and many unbelievers turn to Christ.
- The young adults we meet with on Tuesday night would take real steps of faith.
- Our child raising conference October 31st would equip young families.
Yours for Christ!
Steve and Danelle