Clemson Community Church Reunion “As for the saints who are in the earth, they are the majestic ones in whom is all my delight.” Psalm 16:3 In August over 200 majestic ones (and their children) gathered in Clemson for our church reunion. God started the church 35 years ago through Herschel and Mardean Martindale, who also attended the celebration. Everyone agreed that it was a rich time of fellowship, worship and testimonies of God’s faithfulness. All praise to Jesus Christ for the transformed lives, disciples, and churches planted from our humble beginnings! Special thanks to the Smiths, Barrie Sergio, Kirby Player, Clemson Community Church and countless others who worked hard to make this a memorable time.
Our Daughter’s Wedding Stephanie and David Shirley were married on August 8th. “What God has joined
together,” is exactly the miracle we observed on that special day. It was a beautiful celebration of God’s grace and love. Stephanie plans to graduate in May from UGA with a degree in Education, and David with a Masters in Counseling. Please pray for the new couple as they adjust to marriage and finish their degrees while living in Athens, Georgia.
Visiting Supporters Danelle and I were able to meet with many of you personally, as well speaking at Riverbend Community Church, the Rock KSU (photo) and Sanctuary Baptist Church. Thank you to everyone for your kindness and love this summer. It is always refreshing to experience sweet fellowship and to sing songs to Jesus in English! We wish we could have met will all of you. Maybe we will be able to next time we are in town.
Book Signing Steve had his first book signing at Sweet Spirit Christian Bookstore in Atlanta. It was fun and successful.
His book is being translated into Russian with the goal of printing it this fall. Please pray for the translation to be excellent and for God to use it in the Russian speaking world to build secure, Christ-centered people and marriages. If you are interested in purchasing a copy, please go to our website, All of the proceeds will be used to print the book in Russian. One friend in Dallas bought 6 copies for Christmas gifts.
Ministry in Ukraine – Year 5! Wow! We are starting our fifth year of ministry in Ukraine. God has given us a clear vision of what He wants us to do – make disciples of Jesus who will make disciples. It is simple, but will take 100% of our devotion and love, the Holy Spirit and the grace of God. We also need your prayers, your fervent prayers! Please intercede for us & our disciples.
Yours in the love of Jesus Christ,
Steve and Danelle
Our Daughter’s Wedding Stephanie and David Shirley were married on August 8th. “What God has joined
Book Signing Steve had his first book signing at Sweet Spirit Christian Bookstore in Atlanta. It was fun and successful.
Ministry in Ukraine – Year 5! Wow! We are starting our fifth year of ministry in Ukraine. God has given us a clear vision of what He wants us to do – make disciples of Jesus who will make disciples. It is simple, but will take 100% of our devotion and love, the Holy Spirit and the grace of God. We also need your prayers, your fervent prayers! Please intercede for us & our disciples.
Yours in the love of Jesus Christ,
Steve and Danelle