St. Catherine's Church in Cherigov |
Here it is – the blockbuster of the summer! Bigger than Superman, and you get to see it online!! “What is it?” you ask. It is a video from the DVD of our ministry –
Hope in a Hopeless Ukraine. No, it will not put you to sleep because it is exciting, entertaining – and it is too short. This spring we had David Mansfield with GCM come over and film our life and ministry here in Ukraine. We are very thankful for David and the excellent work he is doing to help missionaries communicate with their supporters. We hope you enjoy watching this short 8 minute video from the DVD as much as we did filming it, and don’t forget the extras!
Steve & Pastor Jake Knotts |
Chernigov OutreachDanelle, Merry and I went to the city of Chernigov (not to be confused with Chernobyl) for two weeks of outreach. We joined Dale and Sandra Dixon and others from Atlanta for a business seminar and two, week-long youth Bible camps. We were also very happy to have Sarah Batchelor come work with us for the second camp. Many young people and teachers heard the good news of Jesus.
Danelle and I also met two young American missionary families who have planted a church in Chernigov and would like for us to help mentor them. We think God ordained this meeting as we share the same desire to see Ukrainians saved and grow in grace. Unfortunately, most of the churches are legalistic and believe you can lose your salvation. Therefore, it is refreshing to find some that understand and practice grace and teach eternal security. Please pray for discernment for us to know how to help these dear believers.
Sasha - a student we spent time with who is seriously considering the faith |
Return to US We will arrive in Atlanta July 18th for a month visit! While we are there we will speak at several churches, travel to Pittsburgh and Columbia, SC, and squeeze in dentist and doctor appointments and shopping. Pray that we get quality time with our family and friends with this busy schedule.
Ukraine Plans Also, please pray for us as we seek God to reach Ukrainians with the gospel, train leaders and plant churches. Pray for our team to grow closer and work more effectively together as we are currently evaluating our methods of ministry.
Our daughter Julie |
Grandparents We are going to be grandparents soon! God has blessed our daughter Julie and her husband Matthew with a baby girl. Jasper Louise Newton will make her grand appearance in early October we believe. We are so happy and thankful! Please pray for mother and child.
“Not one of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass.” Joshua 21:45
We faced many new and difficult circumstances during our first year in Ukraine that caused us to cling to God’s promises. Even though we have been away from our family and friends (you all!), and immersed in the Ukrainian culture, we can say that not one of the good promises the Lord made to us has failed; all came to pass!
Yours in Christ’s love,
Steve, Danelle and Merry