Monday, January 20, 2025

Nelson Newsletter - January 2025


Look! A messenger is coming over the mountains with good news!
    He is bringing a message of
peace. Nahum 1:15

Dear Partners,

Christmas is a special time for those of us who have peace with God through Jesus Christ! The world is filled with people desperate for peace. Jesus’s death made peace with God possible for all. Repentance and faith in Jesus made this peace happen for us!

Our family and our church were able to gather for several times of fellowship and worship. We had 32 Nelsons packed into our house after Christmas. Grace played the piano in our den as we sang to the Lord. Abundant food for the two meals made it necessary for us to get out and play in the afternoon. The adults barely beat the teens in basketball. That probably won’t last much longer. They are all growing way to fast!

Steve’s New Book Danelle and I give thanks continually for your support of our ministry. To express our appreciation, we are sending you a copy of Steve’s new book, Finding God, “Devotions For Life-Transformation.” You can purchase more copies here:  We pray that is book will help you and your family hear from God daily and transform your lives! That is His area of expertise!


                                                                   Prayer & Praise

Atlanta Church Pray for Will and Fred, Grace & Ward’s sons. They were accepted in the ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) program! But there are no openings yet. It could help them greatly! Pray for my doctor and his family to come to know Christ. His 19-year-old son took his life last January, but I just found out about the tragedy two weeks ago during my appointment.  We had a heartfelt conversation, and he asked prayer. I sent him a copy of my new book. Please pray it will    comfort and encourage him. Thank you for interceding!

Portsmouth Pray for the new family that has been coming lately because of their son’s interest in God. Pray for their hearts, and for others, to be open to the Good News and trust Jesus.

Carbondale God answered prayer with a new home for Jeffrey and Kerianna! Pray for Stephanie and the women’s Bible study she started on Monday nights.

Retreat A date has been confirmed for our house church retreat - October 31- November 2, in Knoxville, TN. Pray for God to bring everyone He wants, and to prepare our hearts.

Ministry Support Danelle and I sincerely appreciate your prayers and support in 2024. Your gifts have made it possible for us to start 2025 with peace about our financial needs.

Thank you for your heart to give and to pray!

Yours in God’s grace,

  Steve & Danelle   





 Danelle & Emilia Evans -  She is #22   



Jasper, Julie, GG, Danelle, and Emilia Dewey



11002 Lake Hart Dr, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32832                         

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Nelson Newsletter - December 2024


For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Dear Friends,

God is the consummate Giver! He is Love, and love always involves giving. What has God given you? His best. His all. His Son! Please don’t wonder if you are important, valuable, or loved! God so loved you that He gave His Son to die on the cross to save you from judgement. He rescued you and made you His child! Praise Him! May your heart overflow with praise and thanks this Christmas season! Live loved! Live free! Live with the Prince of Peace!

Thank You Danelle and I are grateful for how you have given of yourselves for us and those we serve. Your prayers have changed lives. People have heard the Good News because of you. People have come to know Christ because of your prayers and financial support. The leaders and the churches we serve have been encouraged because of your faithfulness. Thank you!

Atlanta Church Our church has been able to help with the physical and spiritual needs of Ukrainians in 2024. Our gifts have helped local pastors minister to the widows and orphans of soldiers, to risk their lives to bring food and supplies to the heroes on the front lines, and to share the Good News of Jesus with many hurting people, including the soldiers.

Here is a recent example of how meeting a physical need opens hearts to Jesus. This letter is from Luba, a Ukrainian grandmother who cares for her grandson. Her own words were translated by Igor, a friend of our ministry.

Lyuba Anatolyevna

The family of Lyuba Anatolyevna is registered with the social services center of the Pereyaslav city council. This means that Lyuba is a grandmother who is in a difficult life situation, which has been recognized at the city level.

From time to time, social services try to help this family. But they cannot help with firewood, since it is expensive.

Lyubov is raising her grandson, Bogdan Mironovich, on her own. At the beginning of the war, Bogdan’s mother went abroad with her older son, leaving her younger son Bogdan with his father. Now the father has recently died. The family is in a very difficult financial situation and needs social support. It is very difficult to call the house where Bogdan lives with his grandmother a home. Everything looks very old and unusable.

The grandmother cannot give her grandson anything more than her care and love.

Lyuba is very grateful for such help, the purchase of solid fuel for the winter. For her, this is a great blessing and an unexpected gift.


 Prayer & Praise

Atlanta Church, Please continue praying for Grace and Ward as they raise Will and Fred. They are enrolling them in an ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) program. ABA will help them with anything from feeding themselves, to longer attention spans, to helping them regulate their emotions. Thank you to those of you reached out to them, letting them know you are praying!

Ukraine, Pray for the war to end with a fair and just settlement. Pray for God to meet the overwhelming physical, emotional, and spiritual needs for these people who have been battered and abused. They have needs that only the grace of God can meet. Pray for the soldiers to have resolve and courage especially during the harsh months of winter. Pray for many salvations!

Retreat In 2025 The house churches in Virginia, Illinois, Florida and Georgia are planning to meet for a retreat in 2025. Pray for God to bring everyone He wants and transform lives.

Ministry Support, Danelle and I are deeply grateful for your prayers and support in 2024 for our work. As the year comes to an end, would you please consider a special year-end gift, or becoming a monthly partner by visiting the Reliant website:

Thank you for giving! 

Yours, because God gave us Jesus,

  Steve & Danelle              

11002 Lake Hart Dr, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32832

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Nelson Newsletter - November 2024

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners.” Isaiah 61:1

Dear friends,  

God anointed us to bring the good news to those who afflicted and broken because of sin. Jesus sets prisoners free today - just as He did for us! Here are some exciting mission efforts!  

Carbondale Church David (center of photo) and Stephanie continue loving people, sharing the good news of Jesus, and making disciples. Here is a photo of their recent meeting at Jeffrey and Kerianna’s house. They are truly grateful for your prayers!

Portsmouth Church VA. They are seeking God and building up one another’s faith. One couple just suffered a personal hardship. They appreciate the support of their friends in the church and value your prayers as well.   

Atlanta Church Recently, Danelle and I have been encouraged by the desire of our church members to grow in faith. Last week one of the brothers shared his request to change and be a more “effective doer of the word, not merely a hearer.” After his transparency, the Spirit of God led us in an edifying discussion. Many  people were open and vulnerable and some shared relevant Scriptures. The letter we included in this newsletter was read to us that morning by our daughter, Grace Bearden. Hopefully your heart will be touched and moved to pray for her and Ward as they raise their twin boys. I know they would greatly appreciate your intercession on their behalf.

                                                                            Ward, Will, Grace and Greg


 Prayer & Praise

Atlanta Church Pray for Grace and Ward to trust God to supply love, strength, and wisdom to raise their sons. Pray for Will and Fred to come to know Jesus. Pray too for our church to boldly bring the good news to family, friends, and strangers over the holidays.  Pray for open hearts!!

Carbondale Church Pray for Stephanie and David to be anointed to “bind up the brokenhearted” that God leads them to. Pray for Kerianna and Jeffrey - they must find a new home and move unexpectedly.

Portsmouth Church Ask God to comfort those who in their church who are "afflicted," to increase their love for each other, and to use them to bring the good news of Christ to the “prisoners” of sin they know.

Jacksonville Church Please pray for my friends, Larry and Paul, who are leading a house church in Jacksonville. They need God’s love, wisdom, and courage to build His church and multiply disciples there. We have had several encouraging phone conversations recently, and plan to continue to minister to one another.  

Ministry Support Thank you to those of you who supported our work this past year! We are grateful for our prayers and gifts. If you want to give a special year-end gift, or to become a monthly supporter, please visit the Reliant website: Thank you!

Thank you for interceding!

(Here is the letter that Grace read to our church a few weeks ago.)

Confident In Christ

By Grace Bearden

I always thought I was confident in my relationship with Christ. Through the years, however, it feels like it is constantly tested. From the economy tanking when my husband and I graduated and needed jobs, to the most difficult, struggling with infertility. I watched all 4 of my sisters get pregnant, and was THRILLED for them, but still struggled. “But why not me?”

We prayed about adopting, but that market seemed flooded and not for us. We prayed about fostering to adopt, but our friend let us know it usually takes 5 years to be placed. So, we chose the craziest of all - fostering whatever kind of placement they gave us. We received twin boys when they were 5 days old. Their mother was a drug addict. For 2 years, we met with their grandmother, and then the mother, not knowing what the outcome would be. Finally, we adopted Fred and Will in 2021.

You would think the ups and downs of adoption would be hard, but no. Raising my boys has been! I always knew their frontal lobes were underdeveloped and flight or fight would trigger. Fred has run across 3 lanes of traffic, scratched innocent children out of fear, doesn’t do large crowds, can go to the zoo to watch the railroad crossing arm for 1 hour, but he has no interest in looking at animals, breaks all the things including his own toys. 

Will struggles with HUGE emotions and even “hated” his best friend, Elijah, for about 6 months over a minor offense. When he is hurt, he REALLY hurts back. When embarrassed, it’s like the world hates him. 

It’s been incredibly lonely. Very few people want to be around children like mine/ours. At times, the struggle with parenting has completely shaken any confidence I used to have in Christ. Why me? Why these kids? How dare I even think that.

Fred was diagnosed with high functioning autism recently. I didn’t think that would shake me the way it did. I felt ALL the feelings (emotions?): Will was diagnosed as level 1 Autism and ADHD. Due to the number of prayers and support we have received; this news was only affirming. Affirmed (I’m not crazy!), scared (what does this mean?), a little offended (how dare they label my child), guilt (could I have done more?). We have signed the boys up for ABA and are hopeful they will get the help they need.

I’ve been praying for confidence and here is what God says, “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Heb. 4:16

“So, we say with confidence, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Heb. 13:6 


“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” Heb. 10:35-36 

That’s why, when I read “Take heart” means to be encouraged and confident I knew it was for me. 

Jesus saw the paralytic and called him son, saw the bleeding woman and called her daughter. He gave them a new title and told them to be encouraged and confident. 

I want to reclaim my title, to be restored, and reclaim my confidence in the Lord. 

I also found myself wanting to sing it over my boys. I want them to have that confidence. I want them to know they are not mistakenly made because they are different, but precious, beautiful and wonderfully made.

We hope this letter encourages you to pray for the Beardens to be confident in Christ  and to have compassion for others in similar situations.

Yours in Christ’s love,

  Steve & Danelle                



11002 Lake Hart Dr, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32832





Monday, October 28, 2024

Nelson Newsletter - October 2024


  “For who is our hope or joy or crown of exultation? Is it not even you, in the presence of our Lord Jesus at His coming?” 1 Thessalonians 2:19

Dear People of God,

God’s passion is people! Jesus came to seek and to save people. “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save those who are lost.” Luke 19:10 Jesus Christ died on the cross to save people because He loves sinners. “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” Romans 5:8 People are precious to God. Therefore, people should be precious to us! All people! “For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit.” 1 Peter 3:18 Danelle and I are in the people business - because God is!

Carbondale Church Jesus equates loving Him with loving people. He asked, “Do you love Me Peter?” Peter answered, “Yes Lord, you know that I love You.” Jesus replied, “Then feed My sheep.” He also said, “If you do it unto the least of these, you do it for Me.” The church in Carbondale is currently loving Jesus by helping meet the needs of people who are hurting financially. Stephanie continues to disciple the women in her church and the church in Portsmouth, VA. Christianity is all about people!

Atlanta House Church Danelle and I have been friends with David and Mylinda Lyons (photo below) since I was their pastor in Woodstock, GA many years ago. We met for dinner a few weeks ago to catch up and encourage one another in the Lord. They have been faithful to love people, share Christ, and make disciples. They have also been loyal partners of our ministry for many years.  We are blessed to have so many close friends, like the Lyons, who share God’s passion for people! Thank you for your passion for people! May God continue to grow our love for those in darkness by the power of His Spirit!



 Prayer & Praise

Atlanta Church Pray for God to save John (I met him at Lowes recently. He is now reading Secure In An Insecure World), Steve, Didi, Ward’s brothers, and others we have shared Christ with recently. Pray for Grace and Ward (Bearden) to reach their lost neighbors. They are having “Beardenfest” for their neighbors this weekend with that goal. The song by Steve Green said it so succinctly, “People Need the Lord!” You may want to pull it up on YouTube and listen to it!

Carbondale Church Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead Stephanie and David and the church to know how to help those in need and that God would use their gifts to bring people to Jesus. Pray too for Kerianna and Jeffrey’s health, as well as Jeffrey’s salvation.

Portsmouth Church Ask God to comfort those who have lost loved ones recently. Praise God for one man, Tim, who gave his life to Christ right before he passed away!

Pastors Conference Please pray for our conference, October 24-26, in Jacksonville to be led by the Spirit so that needs would be met, everyone would be edified, and our relationships strengthened. Pray for us to know Him better so that we will discern His plans for our people.    

Thank you for being prayer warriors!

Bringing People to Jesus with you,

  Steve & Danelle                



 11002 Lake Hart Dr, Suite 100

Orlando, FL 32832