Friday, February 21, 2025

Nelson Newsletter - February 2025


Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry. And the tempter came and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’” Matthew 4:1-4


Dear Prayer Partners,

Paul warned the Corinthians about Satan, “So that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes.” 2 Corinthians 2:11 Paul understood Satan’s scheme was to keep people separated from God.  If we do become a child of God, then Satan will tempt us to sin and live defeated lives. Then others will not see Jesus in us and turn to Him for eternal life. Are you ignorant of Satan’s schemes? Matthew 4 (see above) shows us how Jesus handled Satan’s lies, and how we too can resist temptation. Here is how you can avoid Satan’s “Big IF!”

1.     Jesus knew He was not alone. The Spirit was with Him. The Spirit is with you too!

2.     Know your weaknesses. Jesus was hungry. Identify your weaknesses to be prepared.  

3.     Satan wants us to doubt our identity. “IF You are the Son of God.” You are God’s child!

4.     Satan wants us to doubt God’s love. He lies, “God will not provide for your needs.”

5.     Jesus resisted the lies with truth! Read, memorize, and use Scripture to refute the lies.


Gustavo He is a young man from Brazil. We needed a plumber, and he came over to fix our dripping tub. He needed Jesus, so I shared Christ with him while he worked. He is getting married in June, so he was excited about reading my book about marriage, Secure In An Insecure World. He will hear my testimony and the gospel. I hope to meet with him again to follow up.


Mother Alice just had her pacemaker successfully replaced yesterday. She will be 99 next month! She is doing well and still enjoys chocolate, Costco hotdogs, and her weekly Bible study with Danelle and a friend. We praise God for His goodness to her and to her huge family!

Luke’s Surgery Eric and Sarah are members of Atlanta House Church. Their son, Luke, had an appendectomy this week. He is doing well. P raise God! We were reminded again of the value of the church in action – prayer, love, and support! Thank you for asking God to help us as imitate Christ!



 Prayer & Praise

Atlanta Church Grace & Ward’s neighbor, Kevin (42), was being evicted along with his mother and brother. His brother died during this time. Suddenly his mother died a few weeks later. He really needs Jesus! Please pray for him to find Christ as he grieves and tries to move forward alone. Pray too for Gustavo, John, Bryce, Pam, and other friends to come to know Christ.

Portsmouth Church Surprisingly, one of the couples are now coming to our conference! The husband is not a believer – not yet. He did not want his wife to attend the local church gatherings. But recently he changed his mind and even agreed to come to our church conference in October! Miraculous! God answers prayer! Pray for him and others in Portsmouth to be saved!

Carbondale Church    Please keep praying for Jeffrey and Kerianna. They have problems with their extended family. Pray for Jeffrey to come to Christ along with others they have befriended.

Thank you for loving people!

Steve and Danelle





11002 Lake Hart Dr, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32832

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