Sunday, June 18, 2023

Nelson Newsletter - June 2023


“For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 12:13

Dear brothers and sisters,  

LINC in Tallahassee Danelle and I were encouraged by the faith and love we saw in the students in Tallahassee who participated in the training known as LINC (Laborers Impacting Nations for Christ). We joined them in evangelism on the campus, prayer, and fellowship. Josh, one of the students, and myself had several deep conversations with FSU students about knowing Christ. He will have numerous follow-up opportunities. Monday evening, I taught about how we are permanently sealed with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14) and the impact that can have on our security, our  confidence, and our relationship with God and others.          


                                                             Steve & Josh sharing Christ  

                                                                               Students with LINC                                                          

Virginia Church The church is not a building or a place to meet, it is the body of Christ. Every believer is placed into the body of Christ (spiritual baptism), the church, when they repent and choose to trust what Jesus did for them on the cross to pay for their sin. The moment they believe they are made completely new in Christ. They are forgiven, loved, and given the Holy Spirit to empower them to do all God asks them to do. Water baptism is symbolic step of obedience and a time of celebration for the new believer and the local church family. The church in Virginia recently celebrated with five new believers being baptized! How exciting for these saints!

Shirleys In Illinois As we wrote last month, David, Stephanie, and their four children are leaving Portsmouth, VA and moving to Carbondale, Illinois in a few days. Danelle and I will be driving out to help them get unpacked and settled in their new home. David’s passion is to be an excellent example of Christ at the University and they both want to see faculty, students, professors, and community people turn to Christ. They are asking God to begin a new house church with whom they can make disciples and start other churches. The need the grace of God.

Prayer & Praise

1. LINC Praise God for the students who heard the gospel! Pray for the follow up to be fruitful with more students turning to Jesus. Pray they would learn how to be His disciples and connect with the church there.

2. Virginie Church Please pray for the leadership and for everyone to continue to love people and share the gospel, disciple one another, and to be protected from evil. Pray for God to give the Shirleys grace to continue shepherding their friends from a distance and be devoted to praying for them.

3. Shirleys Move To Illinois Please pray for David, Stephanie, and their four children to have safe trip to Carbondale, IL. Ask God to help them adjust and begin loving people there. Pray for people to respond to Good News of Jesus and for a new church to start. David has started his new job which will provide more opportunities for influence for the gospel. Thank you!!

  Yours in Christ’s love,

Steve & Danelle   

                                                                                                                                                          11002 Lake Hart Dr, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32832