Thursday, July 13, 2023

Nelson Newsletter - July 2023


“Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of His body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” Ephesians 4:14-16


Dear Members of Christ’s Body,

Shirleys In Illinois David and Stephanie’s family now live in Illinois! Danelle and I drove out to help them settle in their new house. We even took Stephanie 3 beehives! That was an adventure! Ask us about it next time you see us. While we were there, we hung many paintings, cleaned, made repairs, played with the grandchildren, spent time with their neighbors, and encouraged their faith with the new opportunities. By God’s grace, and with your prayers, they will be fruitful in the gospel!

Virginia Church The church in Virginia, that the Shirleys started several years ago and recently left, is trying to get find their rhythm (get established) after their departure. This is a normal problem when you have one family that led strongly. Now God wants others to step up and fill the void. They need to seek God in prayer and claim His promises to move ahead by faith.

Atlanta Church We strongly encourage each member to participate in our gatherings, as the verses above from Ephesians describe. This is done for discipleship, to promote ownership of our faith, and to practice the “One Anothers” – “pray for one another,” “encourage one another,” “serve one another,” “forgive one another,” etc. On a typical Sunday we will gather for fellowship and to remember Jesus’ sacrifice with the Lord’s Supper. We worship with songs. We spend time praying for each other and for our lost friends. We pursue the “building up one another” by sharing what God has taught us in His Word that week. We read (out loud) and discuss a passage of Scripture and share personal applications. We read the same Scripture during the week on our own. We often read a book during the week and discuss a chapter on Sundays. We are currently reading A Third Of Us, What It Takes To Reach The Unreached. by Marvin Newell. We highly recommend it! Thank you for praying for us!

Prayer & Praise

1. Atlanta Church Please ask God to enlarge our hearts to love the unbelievers in our lives and to use us to bring the gospel to them. Ask God to lead us to open hears that are ready and to help us speak with confidence. Ask Him to give us deeper love for the Lord Jesus and His word.

2. Virginia Church Pray for the believers there to not give up or give in to discouragement, but to find strength and motivation in the Lord Jesus and His promises!

3. Shirleys In Illinois Praise God for David’s new job, a safe move, and new opportunities to reach out to people in Carbondale! Ask God to lead them to those who are broken and need the Savior’s healing and love. Pray for a new missional church to start gathering in their home.

Yours in Christ’s love,

Steve & Danelle

                                                                               Esther, Malachi, & Granddad                                                                   

                                                                                         Illinois Sunset


PS.  Please visit our blog to find our past newsletters and for more encouraging information:


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