Thursday, September 14, 2023

Nelson Newsletter - September 2023


 “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free… I am the way, the truth, and the life.”  Jesus from John 8:32 & 14:6  

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ

UGA Outreach A few weeks ago, I met my good friend, Rich Suplita, to share the truth of the gospel with University of Georgia students. We had several quality conversations with them about how to know Christ personally. Some students were too busy to stop, while others showed genuine interest and interacted with us.

I gave Sarah (above) a copy of my book, Secure In An Insecure World, to give to her non-Christian roommate, Brittany. She was excited about having that tool to help her roommate come to Jesus! Pray for the truth in my book to speak to her heart!

I engaged in a debate with a few students with the socialist organization. They insisted that capitalism promoted greed and unfair treatment of the poor. I challenged them, “Are there not greedy socialists?” Then I spoke God’s truth to them, “Jesus said, “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, acts of adultery, other immoral sexual acts, thefts, false testimonies, and slanderous statements.”” I explained, “The problem is not our form of government as much as it is our hearts. We need our hearts to be changed! We are all greedy and only Jesus can set us free.” My words seemed to resonate with them. God was speaking truth to their hearts!

During lunch I gave a young Hispanic woman a copy of the same book, in Spanish. Yesenia is a server at a local restaurant. Rich has been building a friendship with her and sharing the gospel with her using his limited knowledge of Spanish. So, when she received my book in her language, she was elated and wanted me to sign her copy.  Please pray for these women and the students who heard the truth to repent and come to Christ. Ask God to continue   using Rich!

Illinois Update The Bible teaches us not to make light of small beginnings, “For who has despised the day of small things?”  Everything starts small. Oak trees, businesses, families, and churches all start off small. House churches start small, grow, and then multiply to stay small. It takes a different mindset and a certain amount of security for someone to start house churches. David and Stephanie are just those kinds of people! They love the Lord and have a passion to help others. The house church setting is a conducive environment for building intimate friendships and making disciples. That is exactly what they have been doing recently with a young couple they met. These new friends have not placed their trust in Jesus yet, but they are interested in spiritual things and attracted by the life they see in the Shirleys! They have been coming over to the Shirley’s home for fellowship, and discussions about current social issues where they heard God’s truth and the gospel.

Mother’s Health Mother is back home after breaking her hip, having hip replacement surgery, and several weeks in a rehab facility. We thank God for answering prayers for her recovery and keeping her encouraged through this difficult time. Her desire to trust God has been evident to all!  

                                                     Prayer & Praise

1. Rich & UGA Students Pray for Sarah, Britany, Yesenia, and all the students who heard the truth to embrace The Truth – Jesus! Pray for Rich and his wife, Mary, as they minster to students.

2. Atlanta Church Pray for us to stay active in the gospel – building friendships and sharing truth with neighbors and co-workers. Pray for solid, loving marriages and families where Christ in seen.

3. Shirleys In Illinois Pray the new couple David and Stephanie are spending time with to become Christians. Ask God to work miracles in people’s lives who are open to hearing the truth.

4. Mother Please pray for mother (she’s 97) to be safe and to stay encouraged in the Lord as she adjusts to the challenges of aging. She is a tremendous blessing to our family and her friends!

 We are thankful for you,

Steve & Danelle                                                                                                              



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